My showdown with a 4 year-old (and I won!)

This Week With No Guilt Mom

This Week on the No Guilt Mom Podcast

Helping you become a better parent by prioritizing yourself!

No Guilt Mom Trivia 🧐

How did Memorial Day begin?

(answer at the bottom of the No Guilt Mom Weekly 👇👇)

In this edition, you’ll discover:

  • reading the room as a parenting skill,

  • our free 5-day parenting challenge coming in June,

  • perfectionism on the podcast, and

  • starting your journey from martyr to role model

Hello, !

My four-year-old nephew grabbed the TV remote and started running around the chairs in my basement screaming at me, “NOOOOOO!!!! I don’t want to go to bed.”

It was 9:30 PM, and he was overtired and off his routine. All he wanted to do was watch the (90-minute!) movie Elemental - not go to bed. 

I knew he had me.

I read the room.

My husband was sitting with our newborn niece on his chest, unable to assist in any way.

My sister was in the bathroom busy with a family crisis.

There was no way I was going to win this battle with my current tactic unless I was willing to manhandle my nephew with him kicking and thrashing in my arms and force him into bed, wailing.

I didn’t want that.

Luckily, there was a key piece of information I found out about my nephew earlier that afternoon.

He was scared of being in the basement alone. I knew because earlier that day, he begged me to go to the basement with him because “I scared.”

I decided to change tactics and used two strategies: 

  1. Make sure he knew he had a choice, and

  2. Adopt a playful tone when I delivered his choices.

“Ok. Well, I’m going upstairs. And everyone else is going up too. It’ll be all dark down here. If you want to stay, you can. But I’m going to go upstairs and read stories if you want to come.”

He stopped screaming and turned to my husband.

“Uncle Josh, will you stay with me?” 

“No,” my husband replied, catching on, “I’m going upstairs, too.”

My nephew put down the remote and followed me up to read stories together. 

Now I want to teach you how to handle situations with your kids by using ALL the information at your disposal, reading the room, and then changing strategy.

We’re going to do it together next week in the Read The Room Parenting Challenge! Every day - Monday, June 3rd through Friday, June 7th - I’m teaching you LIVE how to figure out what’s behind your kids’ behavior so that you know the next best steps to take.

The best part? It’s 100% free! (But after signing up, be sure to check out the VIP Access option which gives you more time to view the lessons and more personalized help from me and the No Guilt Mom Team.)

I can’t wait to start this with you next week!

Know Another Mom Who Could Use a Weekly Boost?

Share your signup link for our free No Guilt Mom Weekly! You’ll earn rewards and expand the love bubble 🥰

Our “Read the Room” Parenting Challenge!

It’s been a minute since we’ve held a challenge and we know how much you love them so we’re soooo excited to be bringing you our brand new “READ THE ROOM” PARENTING CHALLENGE this June 3rd - 7th!!!

Registration for the 5-day virtual event is FREE, though an upgraded VIP Experience is available! (And we made it really really good!!)

The live challenge sessions will be taking place in our private online community hosted by Mighty Networks so everyone can join us - even those of you not on social media!

Register now and get ready - we start Monday, June 3rd at 9 AM Pacific/12 PM Eastern!

See you there!!

P.S. Attention Balance Members - you get the the VIP Experience for free, no need to purchase! Check your Balance Weekly that went out yesterday for more details!

This Week on the No Guilt Mom Podcast

Let’s talk about the p-word today, shall we? That’s right people, we’re talking about PERFECTIONISM and the crushing pressure that comes along with it. If you’ve ever struggled with your self-confidence, felt like whatever you do isn’t good enough, or make decisions based on what others will think about you - you might be living as a perfectionist. Living like this is not only a fast track to chronic unhappiness, it’s a burden you don’t need to take on. But that is WAY easier said than done. Which is why we are SO PUMPED to have Bianca Hughes, LPC as our guest on the pod this week!

Bianca is the owner of Authentically Be You Counseling & Wellness Studio, a mental health therapist, and a speaker - you might remember her from our MOMignited and Happy Mom Summits! Bianca guides women through the process of letting go of perfectionism and giving themselves permission to connect to their true selves and live authentically. You NEED to listen to this episode, mama! So grab your water/coffee/wine & a yummy snack, and tune in to enjoy Episode 266: Put Perfectionism in the Past with Bianca Hughes, LPC.

And don’t forget, you’re perfect just as you are 💕

Are You in The No Guilt Mom Podcast Group??

Join the group on Facebook to be part of our weekly live podcast recordings! Not only does it provide an awesome energy boost for JoAnn & Brie, but your questions and comments can make it into the episode!!

No Guilt Mom Spotlight

Balance member Rachel is making big strides! Not only has she signed up for our very first Member Takeover (where a Balance member gets to fill in for JoAnn during a live chat and teach the community something!), but she recently entered Phase 4 of the Balance Path and just shared this:

My Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal is to establish a tinnitus rehab clinic at my job. This has required lots of research and planning. I'm still in the process.... but I did complete my certification in tinnitus management! Big step completed!

Next step is to meet with a leading expert in the field to get a solid roll out plan for seeing patients. I already have 1 physician on board and referring patients to me! I'm also looking at getting an aural rehab service offered in our clinic. 

If you had told me last year that I would be doing this, I would not have believed you! But here I am! 

We are so proud of Rachel and cannot wait to give her her hard-earned Lotus Award!!!

Are You Ready to Start Your Journey from Martyr to Role Model?

Here are some next steps:

  1. Grab the FREE Stop Doing Checklist to eliminate 7 items from your to-do list that we’re taught to think are necessary in motherhood but are actually detrimental to everyone’s well-being.

  2. Sign up for the FREE Not The Grumpy Mom Masterclass where you’ll learn one simple tweak to find more joy as a parent.

  3. Grab one of JoAnn’s books on Amazon - there’s one for you and one for your kids!

    Drama Free Homework: A Parent’s Guide To Eliminating Homework Battles and Raising Focused Kids

    Me & My Friendships: A Friendship Book For Kids

Trivia Answer 🧐

Memorial Day, first known as Decoration Day, was first declared by General John A. Logan in 1868 after the end of the American Civil War, in which 620,000 Americans lost their lives. Decoration Day was observed on May 30th for the next 100 years until the last Monday of May was named Memorial Day and made an official federal holiday by The Uniform Monday Holiday Act, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in June of 1968.

Additional updates to Memorial Day observations include the ordering of the American flag to be flown at half-mast until noon each Memorial Day by President Harry S. Truman, and the 3:00 PM moment of silence established as the National Moment of Remembrance on Memorial Day by President Bill Clinton in 2000.

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